Tea blend "3rd Chakra"

The Ayurveda herbal tea with rose petals, cardamom, licorice root, coriander, fennel, ginger and pieces of cinnamon is a carefully composed blend that is specially tailored to the third chakra, the Manipura chakra. This chakra represents strength, motivation and self-confidence. Each ingredient has been chosen for its unique properties to harmonize and balance the Manipura Chakra.

Licorice root brings calming and balancing properties, while cardamom and ginger can support the digestive system and strengthen the body. Coriander and fennel are natural detoxifiers and help cleanse the body of toxins. Cinnamon and rose petals have calming properties and promote general well-being.

This tea is ideal as part of a conscious diet and lifestyle. With regular consumption, you can strengthen the Manipura Chakra and promote a sense of balance and well-being. Incorporate this tea into your daily routine and experience the benefits of harmonized energy in the body.

Discover the transformative power of this Ayurvedic herbal tea and balance your Manipura Chakra. Order today and enjoy the beneficial properties of this carefully selected blend of herbs. Immerse yourself in the world of Ayurveda and experience the positive effects on body, mind and soul.

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A special tea blend

Our tea blend from our Chakra Collection "3rd Chakra" contains the following ingredients:

Rose petals, cardamom, liquorice root, coriander, fennel, ginger, cinnamon pieces.

Properties of the tea and the ingredients

Unser "3. Chakra" Teemischung besticht durch folgende Eigenschaften und Zutaten:

  • Rosenblüten: haben eine beruhigende Wirkung auf den Körper und können helfen, Stress abzubauen
  • Kardamom: hat einen würzigen Geschmack und kann dazu beitragen, das Verdauungssystem zu unterstützen
  • Süßholzwurzel: hat einen natürlichen Süßstoff und kann dazu beitragen, die Energie im Körper zu harmonisieren und auszugleichen
  • Koriander: hat eine entgiftende Wirkung auf den Körper und kann dazu beitragen, den Körper von Giftstoffen zu reinigen
  • Fenchel: hat einen milden Geschmack und kann dazu beitragen, den Körper zu entgiften und das Verdauungssystem zu unterstützen
  • Ingwer: hat einen scharfen Geschmack und kann dazu beitragen, das Verdauungssystem zu unterstützen und den Körper zu stärken
  • Zimtstücke: haben einen süßen, würzigen Geschmack und können dazu beitragen, das allgemeine Wohlbefinden zu fördern, indem sie beruhigend und ausgleichend wirken.

brewing time/preparation

To develop the full aroma and health benefits of the 3rd Chakra tea, we recommend a brewing time of about 5-7 minutes.

Here is a simple method of preparation:

Boil fresh water and let it cool for a moment until it is no longer boiling hot, but still hot enough to infuse the tea.

Put one teaspoon of the tea mixture per cup into a tea filter, tea strainer or tea strainer.

Place the tea in a teacup or teapot and pour the hot water over it.

Let the tea steep for 5-7 minutes to release the full aroma and health-giving properties of the ingredients. You can adjust the brewing time according to your personal taste.

Remove the tea filter or strainer and enjoy your 3rd Chakra tea. You can drink it pure or sweeten it with honey or lemon juice as desired.

This tea is perfect to experience a moment of peace and enjoyment and to support the 3rd chakra. Let yourself be enchanted by the harmonious aromas and the health-promoting properties of this tea blend.

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